{{$t('开课时间')}}: 2023/08/23 - 2024/02/25
{{$t('开课平台')}}: 智慧树

6280 {{$t('次点击')}}
Theoretical mechanics is a technical basic course, which is the basis of various mechanical courses and some professional courses, and has a wide range of applications in many engineering fields. Theoretical mechanics is the science of studying the general laws of mechanical motion of objects, which belongs to the category of classical mechanics. This course is dedicated to developing and consolidating university students’ knowledge and skills in terms of mastering the basic mechanical laws, establishing mechanical models and solving practical engineering problems. Moreover, according to the characteristics of this course, students’ dialectical materialism world view is cultivated. Through a series of systematic lessons, students will have the abilities to analyze and solve problems independently, to continuously improve and update the knowledge reserve and to expand the scope of knowledge. We wish each of you an enjoyable, enlightening and fruitful learning experience!

  • {{evaluationTatal[`star${6 - n}`]}}%
北校区地址:西安市未央区尚苑路 南校区地址:西安市南二环路中段
{{$t('访问量')}}({{$t('PC端')}}): {{visiteData.PC}}  ({{$t('今日访问')}}{{visiteData.todayPC}})
{{$t('访问量')}}({{$t('移动端')}}): {{visiteData.mobile}}  ({{$t('今日访问')}}{{visiteData.todayMobile}})

陕ICP备05001904号-1 陕公网安备 61011302000162号
{{courseType == 2?$t('*此课程为班级课,输入邀请码可加入学习'):$t('*此课程为培训课,输入邀请码可加入学习')}}
{{$t('加入课程')}} {{$t('以管理员角色进入')}}