{{$t('开课时间')}}: 2023/08/23 - 2024/02/25
{{$t('开课平台')}}: 智慧树

33794 {{$t('次点击')}}
Smart grid big data is the organic integration of multi data sources, multi fields and cross space-time data in power system and related fields. 
According to the technical process and links of smart grid big data, this course covers the following aspects: the value of big data theory and technology in smart grid, the acquisition and analysis of smart grid data, mathematical statistics and data mining, machine learning and deep learning and other common research means of smart grid big data, and the leading role of smart grid big data in detection, prediction and risk management and control.
Through the study of this course, students can understand the important role of big data analysis in the development of smart grid, and can learn from the modeling and simulation process of key application fields in power grid.
Please join us on a journey of smart grid big data!

  • {{evaluationTatal[`star${6 - n}`]}}%
北校区地址:西安市未央区尚苑路 南校区地址:西安市南二环路中段
{{$t('访问量')}}({{$t('PC端')}}): {{visiteData.PC}}  ({{$t('今日访问')}}{{visiteData.todayPC}})
{{$t('访问量')}}({{$t('移动端')}}): {{visiteData.mobile}}  ({{$t('今日访问')}}{{visiteData.todayMobile}})

陕ICP备05001904号-1 陕公网安备 61011302000162号
{{courseType == 2?$t('*此课程为班级课,输入邀请码可加入学习'):$t('*此课程为培训课,输入邀请码可加入学习')}}
{{$t('加入课程')}} {{$t('以管理员角色进入')}}